It is with immense pleasure and pride that we share with you that Pū Manawa Aotearoa Network member - Associate Professor Nigel Wilson, received the prestigious HRC (Health Research Council of New Zealand) Beavan Medal last night.

Pictured: Dr Nigel Wilson
The Beaven Medal was established to recognise excellence in translational health research, that has had high impact on clinical practice and patient health and commemorates the work of the late Professor Sir Donald Ward Beaven.
Nigel is one of the core founding members of Pū Manawa, is internationally recognised for his innovative RHD research, is a leading champion of RF/RHD initiatives in Aotearoa, and is a well-respected mentor and friend to many of us.
On behalf of the network, Malakai and I would like to congratulate Nigel for this well-deserved recognition of his contributions to RF/RHD.
Ka rawe, ngā mihi nui ki a koe Nigel mō tōu mahi kaha!
Ngā mihi,
Anneka and Malakai
Co-Chairs, Pū Manawa Aotearoa